What Is the Days Between Dates Calculator?
Our day calculator lets you calculate the number of days between two dates.
You can use it to view the number of days, weeks, months, and years between two dates. You can also use the date calculator to add or subtract days, weeks, months, or years to and from a date.
For example, to answer the questions, "What date will it be two weeks from today?" or "What date was it two weeks ago?", you can use the day calculator to add days to a date or subtract days from a date. However, it does not let you track the time. You can use the online stopwatch, online alarm clock, and online timer for these tasks.
What Can I Do With the Calendar Calculator?
Using the days between dates calendar calculator, you can:
- Work out the total number of days between two dates.
- Work out how many days since you were born or any historical date important for you.
- Work out the number of days between two dates, including or excluding the end date in the calculation.
- Work out the number of weeks, months, or years between two dates, including or excluding the last date.
- Subtract years, months, weeks, or days from a given date.
- Add years, months, weeks, or days from a given date.
- Work out what date it will be from today when a certain amount of time has passed, e.g., what date will it be 30 days from today, two weeks from today, or 30 years from today.
How to Use the Days Between Dates Calendar Calculator
For the calculation of weeks, months, or years between two dates, use the Count Days tabs. For the addition or subtraction of days, weeks, months, or years from a historical date, use the Add/Subtract tab.
Count days between dates
Using the date calculator is simple. To count days between dates, simply:
- Use the Count Days tab.
- Select the Start Date (day, month, and year). Click on Today to select today's date.
- Select the End Date (day, month, and year). Click on Today to select today's date.
- Click Calculate Duration to find the duration between two given dates.
In the number of days calculation, optionally, you can include the end date to calculate the number of days between dates, meaning one day is added.
Add days
To add days to dates, you can:
- Use the Add Days tab.
- Enter the Years, Months, Weeks, or Days fields.
- Click Calculate New Date to find the new date.
Subtract days
To subtract days to dates, you can:
- Use the Subtract Days tab.
- Enter the Years, Months, Weeks, or Days fields.
- Click Calculate New Date to find the new date.
Why Use the Days Between Two Dates Calculator?
Although you can manually count the number of days between two dates, the day calculator makes it easy and fast. If you manually calculate the duration between two dates, you need to take into account leap years. A typical year consists of 365 days, while a leap year consists of 366 days and occurs once every four years. Using the day calculator will save time because you don't have to worry about the complexities of the Gregorian calendar or work out the number of days in the month (which is sometimes 28, 29, 30, or 31).
With this day counter, you can find the number of days between two dates quickly. You can use this days calculator for:
- Organizing events or meetings.
- Holiday and vacation planning.
- Gift-giving occasions.
- Birthday and age calculations.
You can also use the days from dates calculator to help you work out personal tasks. For example, if you want to return an item with a 30-day return window, you can use the days from dates calculator to work out when the last day is that you can return your item.